====== WinLibre Google Summer Of Code 2006 ======
===== Selected Projects =====
^Student|Stephanie D. Block()|Pawel Solyga (solydzajs)[[http://solydzajs.wordpress.com/|Blog]]|Christian Kindahl (dawgh) [[http://www.kindahl.com/blog|Blog]]|Renaud LENNE (RenaudL) [[http://2006.planet-soc.com/?q=blog/59|Blog]]|Vyacheslav Kalinchik (vYa) [[http://finaltouch-2.blogspot.com/|Blog]]|Thomas Bores (psyphi)[[http://psyphi.zeblog.com/|Blog]]|
^ :-) |{{http://www.winlibre.com/Images/soc/stephanieblock.jpg}}|{{http://www.winlibre.com/Images/soc/solydzajs.JPG}}|{{http://www.winlibre.com/Images/soc/c_kindahl.jpg}}|{{http://www.winlibre.com/Images/soc/Renaud.jpg}}| . |{{http://www.winlibre.com/Images/soc/thomas_b.jpg}}|
^Project|[[WinLibre-Python]]|[[MacLibre 2]]|[[cdrtools GUI|Infra Recorder]]|[[WinLibre-XUL]]|[[Final Touch 2]]|[[Surf Protector]]|
^Mentors|Bertrand Cachet, PJ Coudert|PJ Coudert|Julien Marbach, PJ Coudert|PJ Coudert|Julien Marbach, PJ Coudert|Julien Marbach, PJ Coudert|
^ Mentors ^^^
|Bertrand Cachet|Pierre-Jean Coudert|Julien Marbach|
| . |[[http://www.pjblog.net/|PJBlog]]| [[http://planet-soc.com/blog/44|Blog]] [[http://planet-soc.com/blog/44/feed|(rss)]] |
===== Internal Communication =====
==== Mailing list ====
***Google Group : WinLibre Summer of Code**
* (en GUI) http://groups-beta.google.com/group/WinLibre-Summer-of-Code
* (fr GUI) http://groups.google.fr/group/WinLibre-Summer-of-Code
* email: WinLibre-Summer-of-Code(at)googlegroups.com
==== Real Time Chat: IRC ====
*WinLibre channel on IRC : irc://irc.freenode.net/winlibre
==== SourceForge & CVS ====
*The development place is [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/winlibre/]]
=== CVS access on Sourceforge ===
*Create a new CVS module in the WinLibre repository to handle your code during the developpement process.
*CVS tutorial on Sourceforge : https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=14033&group_id=1
*GUI-frontends to cvs for windows & MacOS: [[http://www.wincvs.org/| Wincvs / MacCVS]], [[http://www.tortoisecvs.org/|Tortoise CVS]]
=== Subversion access on Sourceforge ===
*Subversion Server: https://svn.sourceforge.net
*Path to Repository: /svnroot/winlibre
=== HowTo Setup/Access a repository on Sourceforge ===
* First thing to do is to create an account onto Sourceforget by following instructions: http://sourceforge.net/account/newuser_emailverify.php
* Next you can use GUI tools such as Tortoise (CVS or SVN) or maybe you can use the CVS tool of your IDE (Eclipse)
* In the following line I will describe how to setup Tortoise CVS and Eclipse CVS tool
==== Tortoise CVS ====
* Download it from http://www.tortoisecvs.org/download.shtml
* Install it (everything is explained here :https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?group_id=1&docid=25888)
* You can configure your installation in order to use a SSH connection without entering your password every time: http://www.tortoisecvs.org/faq.shtml#sshkeys
==== Eclipse ====
* You can download Eclipse here : http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
* Then to configure your CVS client with a SSH connection:
* You can setup a SSH connection to sourceforge with PLink and Putty as explained here
* In Eclipse, go to Window -> Preferences -> Team -> CVS -> Ext connection method. For CVS_RSH, hit the browse button and find Plink.exe:
CVS_RSH your\full\path\to\plink.exe
Parameters {user}@{host}
* In Eclipse, create a new Repository Location using ext, not extssh. Connect and checkout your project:
Host your.host.name
Repository path /path/to/repos
User username
Password empty
Connection type ext
==== WebLog ====
*If you already have a blog you can speak about your project during this summer.
*If you dont have one try to create it on http://2006.planet-soc.com/ or on http://www.blogger.com/
*Put a link to your blog on this page
*Renaud : [[http://2006.planet-soc.com/?q=blog/59]]
*Christian : [[http://www.kindahl.com/blog]]
*solydzajs : [[http://solydzajs.wordpress.com]]
*psyphi : [[http://psyphi.zeblog.com/c-google-summer-of-code-2006]]
*Vyacheslav: [[http://finaltouch-2.blogspot.com/]]